Dialogic Reading Video Series |
By NCLD Editorial Staff
Dialogic reading is an interactive technique based on the extensive research of Grover J. Whitehurst, Ph.D. This technique encourages adults to prompt children with questions and engage them in discussions while reading to them.1
By expanding on the child's responses, encouraging children to retell stories, and by reiterating the names, objects and events in the book, dialogic reading helps young children build and reinforce the basic language and literacy skills that will make them successful readers.
Watch videos of Dr. Whitehurst discussing how dialogic reading can help support language learning:
Dialogic Reading Pretend Reading Importance of Talking about Books Learning in Low-income Families Preparing Children to Learn to Read
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Read Books New Ways
Does it feel like you’ve read the same story 100 times? Read it a new way: Ask the child questions about what they think will happen next and encourage them to tell you what they see in the illustrations. Learn more >